What is Nadi Astrology?


Agastya Nadi Jyotish

Can you believe that someone in India is documenting records of your entire past, present and future lives????...may sound unbelievable???... but Yes, through Agastya Nadi Jyotish or Agastya Nadi Astrology.

Nadi is an ancient astrology, which has been composed by great Maharishis (Sages) of India in the ancient times using their spiritual and super natural powers. The sages documented these predictions for individuals for the betterment of humanity and to safeguard dharma (righteousness). These sages predicted the characteristics, family history as well as the careers of innumerable individuals containing several thousand volumes of predictions.

These Nadi predictions, being the repository of wisdom of the Great Saints was one of the well preserved books for thousands of years by many generations of rulers. Due to the benefaction of the Chola Kingdom, these Nadi Granthas were translated, protected and preserved at the Libraries of Tanjore and Vaideeswaran Koil.

Among the various characteristics of people, one is "his/her obsession towards probing things which are unknown”. It has been a tradition that even from ancient times, people are obsessed and eager, seeking more and more knowledge and have eventually succeeded too in their pursuit. It is kind of an eternal quest.

India on the whole as a Hindu country contributing to this search of the unknown. India has a tradition that has always kept alive its link with the unknown. India is not just a nation or a piece of land, she is much more than that, something symbolic, poetic, and has indistinguishable talent and skill. For thousands of years millions of people have been making dedicated efforts towards accomplishing that sole objective. In pursuit of accomplishing that objective they shunned riches, adopted poverty, risked ill-health etc.

They never gave up their search for the truth, trust, dharma knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. India is filled with the divine, blissful vibrations of all those sages, whom we still believe in and worship. These sages, saints, mahatmas, Rishis, Gurus, Vedic Scholars, eminent poets, intellectuals who were the medium of Divinity. They have obliged mankind by opening up various avenues to divine knowledge. But to grasp that divine knowledge, it is necessary that one must attain a certain high standard of moral and ethical behavior, simplicity and knowledge.

The (g) olden age Rishis (Sages), who dictated those Naadi's scripts, were gifted with such a remarkable foresight that they accurately foretold the entire future of all mankind. Still many scholars in different parts of India and across have in their safekeeping several Granthas. These Nadi Astrology predictions were initially thought rather considered to be just a writing on Astrology, but soon it became evident that these scriptures contained some unique predictions of specific natives, who come seeking them at a particular stage of their lifetime, as foreseen and foretold by the Great Sages.

Of the many aspirations that humans have, is to peep into one's own future. Sages (Rishis) have dwelt on that aspect in a number of ways, as a result of which the science of Agastya Nadi Astrology merged with the divine grace. Need no mention to say that these Maharishis were the divine masters in the science of Yoga, which revolves around the different stages of one's own being. We can easily grasp, if some light can be thrown on how the Yogis got the knowledge of ascertaining and scripting the future of every human being. Having said so it is just a small portion of that vast storage of cosmic knowledge.