Power of Indian Tamil Siddhas

"Ashta Maha Siddhis / The 8 Ultimate Supreme Powers"

Powers of Siddhas

Siddhars are known for some hidden powers that led to them attaining ‘God like’ state. They used such powers to control time and space, body transformation and achieving immortality. These siddhars yogis contributed a lot for the betterment and welfare of the human society.

Their approach was holistic and believed on “Food is Medicine, Medicine is Food”. They had also said “Sound mind makes the sound body”. Siddha medicine reached at zenith during Tamil siddhars. All the 18 South Indian Siddhars gave solid platform to ancient system of siddha medicine.

Ashta Maha Siddhis

  • 1. To become tiny as the atom within the atom (Anima)
  • 2. To become big in unshakeable proportions (Mahima)
  • 3. To become as light as vapour in levitation (Laghima)
  • 4. To become as heavy as the mountain (Garima)
  • 5. To enter into other bodies in transmigration (Prapti)
  • 6. To be in all things, omni-pervasive (Prakamya)
  • 7. To be lord of all creation in omnipotence (Isatvam)
  • 8. To be everywhere in omnipresence (Vasitvam)

Unique Powers of Siddhas

  • 1. Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily appetites
  • 2. Hearing things far away
  • 3. Seeing things far away
  • 4. Moving the body wherever thought goes (teleportation/astral projection)
  • 5. Assuming any form desired
  • 6. Entering the bodies of others
  • 7. Dying when one desires
  • 8. Witnessing and participating in the past times of the gods
  • 9. Perfect accomplishment of one's determination
  • 10. Orders or commands being unimpeded